Europe by Visa to be rolled out in UK this year

Visa Europe says that it will roll out its by Visa in the UK this year, having secured commitment from 55% of the UK’s card issuance base, which accounts for more than 60 million card holders, and thousands of the UK’s retailers. It will now be commercially available to the majority of internet shoppers in the UK before the end of 2015.

Citi Mobile Challenge demos ‘disruptive’ finalists in London

Mobile startups are changing the way customers interact with financial services around the world. Tier one banks know this, and are keen to get a piece of the action. This week, companies from EMEA demoed at the Citi mobile challenge in London in the final stage of an annual event that takes in hundreds of financial startups around the globe.

Swift Business Forum panel slams EU trade reporting rules

New trade reporting requirements that would require banks and other capital markets participants to demonstrate best execution through data will impose massive costs and will not provide an equal level of benefit, according to senior executives speaking at the Swift Business Forum in London this week.

Europe’s CSDs are facing a regulatory squeeze warns Nasdaq

European banks and CSDs will be forced to change their business models under relentless pressure from Basel III, CSDR and T2S. That may involve consolidating services, as well as considering opportunities for collaboration, according to Henri Bergström, head of global post trade solutions at Nasdaq.

UK mobile banking set to double to £3.4 billion a week

The number of UK mobile banking users is set to almost double from 17.8 million to 32.6 million by 2020, according to a new report commissioned by Fiserv. Online banking is still growing too, the research found.

EC calls time on the broker crossing network – so what happens now?

Broker crossing networks will be heavily affected by upcoming European Commission rules on dark trading. But with 18 months to go until implementation, uncertainty still unnerves brokers and asset managers – prompting some market participants to re-examine whether they want to trade at all.

MiFID II will prevent traders doing their job, TradeTech delegates told

The European Commission’s MiFID II legislation is a poorly thought-out, arbitrary and unclear piece of rulemaking that will prevent traders from being able to do their job. Worse still, a lack of clarity over the final details will inflict uncertainty and cost on market participants from now until 2017, according to delegates at TradeTech Paris this week.

Specialisation “resonates” with traders as competition pressures mount

Banks and asset managers are being forced to learn to live in a world of greater specialisation, as unbundling of research and execution drives greater competitive pressure on costs. That is probably a good thing – but it will take the buy-side and the sell side in different directions, according to senior executives speaking at the TradeTech conference in Paris this week.

Boat to launch APA reporting service for MiFID II transparency

Boat Services, the OTC trade reporting service provider owned by technology vendor Cinnober, plans to introduce a MiFID II compliance solution, offering publication services for all instrument classes. It will apply for authorisation by the FCA in the UK when Approved Publication Arrangement registration is available in 2016.

Finland’s Holvi bank tackles online-only identity verification

Finnish online-only bank Holvi has partnered with GBGroup, an identity intelligence specialist, as part of a drive to ensure that all its customers are verified while reducing the time this process takes. Holvi does not operate any branches, and as such relies on other methods to confirm the identity of its customers.

Russia’s NSD revamps reference data amid transparency drive

Russia’s NSD central securities depository has launched a joint project with Interfax information agency to coordinate their efforts for the development of a system of assessing the fair value of financial instruments. The move is part of an ongoing government reform agenda designed to turn Moscow into an international financial centre.

New payment systems regulator will open up payments systems to non-traditional players

Last week saw the launch of the Payment Systems Regulator, the first time the UK gets a regulatory body overseeing the £75 trillion a year payments systems. Its brief is clear: to open up the UK payments infrastructure, which is currently controlled by the high street banks, make it more accessible to challenger banks and fairer for consumers. The regulator has been given strong powers by the government and has already made it clear it will fine the banks if they do not step up to the mark.

BCS boosts cross sales with IBM Commerce campaigns

Russian investment banking firm BCS Financial Group says using IBM Commerce to create and manage personalised marketing campaigns has increased cross sales of its online trading, brokerage, and investment strategy consulting services have increased by 20% in six months.

‘Right to a bank account’ poses challenge for EU banks

The European Parliament’s Payment Accounts Directive creates a right to a basic bank account, which must be enshrined in national law across Europe by September 2016. But the rules represent a challenge to banks’ ability to manage their business – one that speaks to the heart of the current regulatory debate, according to delegates at the Payments International conference in London this week.

ABN Amro Clearing joins MEFFPower

ABN Amro Clearing will offer clearing and settlement of trades at MEFFPower, cleared by BME Clearing. The Spanish Power derivatives market is one of the top five markets in Europe and has experienced great growth in the past decade. The maturities offered by ABN Amro Clearing as swaps and futures will be: annual, quarter, months, weeks, week-ends and […]

ESMA trade reporting standards “could decide” future of markets

The European Securities and Markets Association is consulting financial institutions on which messaging protocol and data formats would be best for trade reporting under MiFIR. As the timeframe for reporting comes ever closer to real-time, the consequences could be serious.

SIA to connect Hungarian CSD Keler to T2S

SIA, in partnership with Colt, has been awarded the contract to connect Hungarian central securities depository Keler to T2S, the new single European platform for the settlement of transactions in domestic and cross-border securities.

SIA sees mobile future in 2015

Nearly two-thirds of Italians will be able to make real-time peer to peer payments using a mobile phone by this summer, according to Massimo Arrighetti, chief executive of Italian payment processor SIA. That’s not the end of SIA’s plans however, as the company focuses on an internationalisation agenda that targets 400 million European current account holders.

Lloyds to plough £1 billion into digital banking

Lloyds Bank plans to invest £1 billion in digital banking capability over the next three years, re-investing a third of the savings it hopes to make in its drive to become ‘simpler and more efficient’.

Doubts rankle as European Commission races towards MiFID II deadline

European regulator ESMA is preparing to issue hundreds of pages of MiFID II cost-benefit analysis and Q&A material between now and July – but market participants are concerned about unresolved issues and rushed implementation as the deadline draws ever closer.

FCA to probe competition in corporate and investment banking

The Financial Conduct Authority plans to conduct a market study of the investment and corporate banking sector to decide if competition in the sector is working properly. It may also look into the asset management later in the year.

Idea Bank experimental bank branch opens doors

Poland’s Idea Bank has launched an experimental branch aimed at corporate clients. The ‘Idea Hub’ bank branch was created to test the idea that innovative bank branches can attract customers and provide a complementary service to online and mobile banking services.

EBRD sets sights on Romania as reforms gather pace

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Bucharest Stock Exchange are seeking to attract international investors to the Romanian stock market, following the launch of an ambitious government reform programme aimed at getting the country upgraded from frontier to emerging market status.

SNS Bank revamps treasury and risk as Basel reforms tighten grip

Dutch state-owned bank SNS is to upgrade its treasury and risk infrastructure using services from vendor SunGard. The bank wants to centralise its credit and market risk management, including initial margin and potential future exposure, in view of Basel requirements which oblige banks to adhere to higher standards of record keeping and transparency.

Delegates sceptical at Finovate London

Customers are busy and don’t have time to deal with slow banking services and processes. Instead, they want social media banking and more sophisticated personal banking, together with benefits that are convenient to them. This was the message of speakers at the Finovate conference in London yesterday – but not everyone in the audience was convinced about the ability of new technologies to realise that vision.

Lloyds to allow photo uploads as ID for account opening

Lloyds Banking Group is to allow customers to upload images of identification documents required as part on an online account opening application, removing the need to visit a branch.
Initially the new electronic identification and verification checks, which will start to be rolled out to customers from next week, will be available to customers who want to add an additional party to an existing account.

Payments Council picks Swift for SEPA Only services

The UK’s Payments Council has selected Swift to build the country’s new central infrastructure platform in preparation for the next phase of SEPA regulation in 2016, through the provision of an automated central infrastructure platform for collection and maintenance of UK-specific SEPA routing data.

Complaints: stopping the next scandal

As 2015 begins to gather momentum, it looks like the end is finally in sight for PPI claims, according to the Financial Conduct Authority. Back in September, the FCA announced a further drop of 11% in complaints from the first half of 2014, continuing a downward trend that began back in 2012.

New entrant Ipagoo targets businesses with pan-European current account

London-based Orwell Group, founded in 2005, has launched a pan-European current account called Ipagoo in the UK, France, Spain and Italy. The product aims to take on services provided by traditional banks, using open architecture software and promising consumers greater choice and less hassle.

Euroclear Finland begins major overhaul for T2S

Finland’s central securities depository Euroclear Finland has just completed the first stage of a major project to completely replace its securities processing infrastructure. The CSD says the move is part of its preparations for T2S, the European Central Bank project to harmonise Europe’s post trade infrastructure.

SIX to establish Swiss trade repository as Parliament discusses reform

Swiss post-trade specialist SIX Securities Services is planning to establish a central trade repository for derivatives transactions in Switzerland, using the London Stock Exchange’s UnaVista platform. The platform is being built to allow Swiss customers to report under the Swiss Financial Market Infrastructure Act, which is currently in parliamentary consultation.