
Webinar: Lessons learned from the first year of CRS reporting obligations

Financial institutions face unprecedented data management and compliance challenges as they continue to grapple with multiplying CRS and FATCA (AEOI) related global tax transparency regulations. A year on from our first FATCA and CRS survey, Thomson Reuters and Banking Technology joined forces to survey the industry – to assess the challenges faced by financial institutions […]

CRS: the end of tax evasion?

Tax evasion and tax fraud have been affecting governments finances all over the world over the decades. It occurs within a country and across countries. Thus, a single country cannot solve the problem on its own. Countries need to work more together and internationally to combat the problem home and abroad.

Infographic: financial institutions optimistic for first UK CRS filing

An online survey carried out amongst our readers in the run up to the UK’s first Common Reporting Standard (CRS) submission has found respondents largely optimistic about how their first transmittal would go; were appreciative of the support given to them by their IT departments and thought that HMRC and OECD had done a good job in communicating with them. Their primary concerns were their ability to pull data from their internal systems and keeping up with compliance.

AEOI: tax reporting doesn’t have to be taxing

With so much attention on FATCA in recent times, the financial services industry could be forgiven for seeing it as the most obtrusive regulation ever imposed. This view will soon change. Once the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) comes into force, financial institutions will have far greater challenges to overcome.

Sapient rolls out FATCA compliance service

Sapient Global Markets has released a suite of software and services designed to help companies meet FATCA, the controversial new US regulation that obliges banks to report their US customers so that they can be taxed.