
White paper: in-memory computing – now and tomorrow

As businesses cope with an explosion of data and users who expect real-time insights, many have turned toward in-memory computing solutions. As a result, in-memory computing platforms are becoming key infrastructure components for a growing number of organisations.

Sberbank implements risk management system with Numerix

Russia’s largest banking group Sberbank has completed the implementation of its bank-wide technology programme focusing on automating its financial market risk management system. As part of the multi-year project, Sberbank built a technology platform which included IT systems and modules allowing the management of various types of risks, namely credit and market risks. The platform […]

White paper: choosing the right in-memory computing solution

As in-memory computing (IMC) gains momentum across a wide range of applications, from fintech and ecommerce to telecommunications and internet of things (IoT), many companies are looking to IMC solutions to help them process and analyse large amounts of data in real time.

White paper: beyond data grids – the advantages of in-memory platforms

With the cost of system memory dropping 30% every 12 months, in-memory computing has become the first choice for a variety of workloads within the financial services industry. In-memory computing can provide a lower TCO for data processing systems while providing an unparalleled performance advantage.

White paper: Achieving Real-Time Financial Regulatory Compliance with In-Memory Computing

Stringent regulations and client protection initiatives enacted in the wake of the 2008 financial meltdown are causing unprecedented and growing technical challenges. Banks and other financial institutions must monitor, collect, and analyze vast amounts of data from multiple, disparate sources in real-time. This new white paper provides an overview of the current economic and regulatory […]