
Modern payments and banking APIs

Modern banking is not limited to banks anymore. It’s not only about online or mobile banking, it’s about all the things you would do in your banking system, but now you can do in apps or other solutions provided by third parties, not banks. Payments are one of such functionalities.

Will an open banking API kill commercial APIs?

The PSD2 directive will let third parties use the information stored in financial institutions and the only path to achieve this leads through an open API. The API is now being discussed and developed, but it’s not clear when it will be finalised, released and deployed.

Are banks ready to innovate?

Financial industry has reached the point of no return: new start-ups and technologies are disrupting the traditional world of banking. All the things that were either unavailable, limited, expensive or poorly designed, now can be accessible from the third parties, which are not even close to banks. Small fintech companies are doing the job the […]

Online banking 2.0 with API

When you think of the new era in banking — let’s call it “Banking 2.0” — what do you see? Is there something revolutionary such as totally virtual branches or no paper money at all? It’s hard to tell how Banking 2.0 will exactly look like, especially with virtual reality (VR) sets going mainstream, but […]